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Habit Stacking

Habit stacking, what is it and how can it help kick start some healthy intentions? What does it take for you to change the direction of your health, life, and happiness? Well what I know for sure, it takes for you to take charge and make some changes.

The best way to make lasting change is through creating micro habits. Tiny changes that once consistently acted on day by day go on to lead to macro changes.

Often, in the beginning we feel overwhelmed if we try changing too much too quickly. Am I right? But if we start small, it’s amazing how we can train our brains and bodies to do something new, little by little.

If you think about it, we already have thousands of daily habits that we do naturally with out thinking. We bruise our teeth with the same hand, we grind the coffee with the same hand, lock the door behind us when we leave for work —all without even thinking about it. When we do things repeatedly, the brain build strong connections with those actions, until eventually we hardly think about them anymore and then a habit is formed.

I want to give you these 3 habits to focus on for the next 7 days. At the end of 7 days, these three habits will give you a new normal—a happier, healthier day, and healthy habits that you don’t even have to think twice about.

Here are the three habits we’ll focus on during the 7-Days

  • Habit 1: Water Intake

  • Habit 2: Daily Movement

  • Habit 3: Restful Sleep

This is the idea behind habit stacking. Instead of trying to make a major change and retrain the brain all at once, instead take advantage of the habits you already have and layer and build on them.

Ok here's an example, if you want to be better at flossing your teeth, you would stack that with another habit. Every morning when you turn on the shower and have to wait for the water to warm up, you use those 30 seconds to floss. Then before you realise, just like turning on the shower every morning, flossing while the shower warms up becomes second nature to you AND a new healthy habit is formed.

If you’ve been wanting to make real changes in your life, I want to encourage you to take that first step... know that small habits make big, lasting change, moving you towards the person you want to be.

So my friends, start small. AND before you know it, those habits you used to dream about will come so naturally you won’t even have to think about them!

Give it a try with me. Join the Facebook community

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