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Pete’s Picks Vol. 14 Feb


"It is important to remember that the viciousness and wrongs of life stick out very plainly but that even at the worst times there is a great deal of goodness, kindness, and day-to-day decency that goes unnoticed and makes no headlines."

Biochemistry professor and science fiction author, Isaac Asimov, on the unnoticed good in the world:

Epigenetics 101: a beginner’s guide to explaining everything

The field of epigenetics is exploding and I’ve been fascinated to learn more about how our environmental inputs, from diet and lifestyle habits to toxins and more, impact the way our genes are expressed. This article lays out the basics of epigenetics without a ton of fancy lingo and goes on to explain some other important concepts of health and genetics, like methylation and inheritance. The article is lined in the header or click here.

Staples | NourishedbyPete 

Unbeatable tasting Nourish bars made with Ultra Simple + clean ingredients. Get back to being nourished.

Get back to being nourished

We’re all about nourishing the body. That means we put the health, welfare, and happiness of our customers above all else in the products we make. Sourcing only simple, clean, and responsible ingredients so that our people can get back to feeling nourished. We go beyond what’s easy and expected to ensure that our products and our practices are ethical and put both humanity and the human body first.

Ultra Simple Ingredients

NourishedbyPete NourishBars start with ultra simple ingredients: stone ground organic buckwheat flour, stone ground organic brown rice flour, organic bananas, organic avocados, and organic unrefined coconut sugar. Here's to one relationship that's not complicated.

To order

Phone: 0966611383

What’s App 0966611383

Do you have an itchy dog?

Allergies are a daily battle for many pet owners. Sometimes it feels like there is nothing you can do to help...but I'm here to tell you that is NOT true! You have an arsenal of natural solutions available and I want you to know the BEST ways to support your animals with allergies! The most common ways to use essential oils with your dog is: topically, aromatically, and internally. Use extreme caution when you begin. Just as you slowly introduce new food to your dog, so too introduce essential oils slowly. Start with a small amount, and watch your dog’s behavior. If there is no negative response we you can slowly increase the frequency of application. Each dog has a unique body chemistry, and can tolerate essential oils to a different extent.

Oils to Avoid with Dogs:

Oils to avoid topically and internally with dogs: Birch, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), and Wintergreen. Use caution with hot oils such as Oregano, Cassia, Cinnamon, Clove, Rosemary, and Thyme.

Scratch Ease

  • Add the following to a 60ml sprayer bottle:

  • 5 drops Lavender

  • 5 drops Roman Chamomile (omit for cats)

  • 5 drops Cardamom

  • 5 drops Arborvitae

  • Top off with distilled water or FCO

You’ll want to spray as needed directly to the irritated area or rash, but please be careful of their eyes, nose, or genitals area

Something to think about

If you can't figure out what kind of work you like, pay attention to what's easy to concentrate on and gives you energy vs. what makes you tune out and feel tired.

What is easy for you to concentrate on?