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Pete’s Picks vol.21 Feb

Pete’s Picks vol. 21 February

Something to ponder as you go about your day 

Many situations in life are similar to going on a hike: the view changes once you start walking. You don't need all the answers right now. New paths will reveal themselves if you have the courage to get started.

Jillmo Fermentation Jars

Thanks to their beneficial impact on the microbiome, fermented foods are an important ingredient for creating great health. An increase in fermented foods in your diet, can lead to positive changes in gut microbe diversity with improved inflammatory and immune responses in as short as just 10 weeks. 

I’ve recently bought these fermenting jars and want to share how super easy it is to make your own kimchi, sauerkraut, pickled veggies, and other fermented foods at home with whatever add-ins you prefer (garlic and fresh dill, essential oils are some of my favorites). 

Fermenting Recipe eBook

I’ve also found this recipe book with tons of tips on fermentation facts, check out Jillmo’s free ebook. Check it out right here.

Free Brain Health Assessment

Dr. Daniel Amen created this really cool survey that just takes five minutes. It asks you about your memory, mood, mindset, motivation, diet, lifestyle, and more, and then gives you a detailed look at your “Brain Type.” It comes with a breakdown of your brain fitness, how this impacts activities in your life, and quick diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations that could boost your brain function in the areas you need most. Check out the assessment here

Food isn’t just about filling our bellies, it’s about nourishing our bodies. 

Every bite we take is an opportunity to feel better and function better at any age of our lives. Having a solid intake of nutrition is corner stone foundational to every wellness program. 

A key part of nutrition is how food impacts our brains. 

I was recently reading a study from the University of Barcelona which looked at the relationship between the metabolism of dietary components, intestinal microbiota, metabolism, and cognitive impairment. The study found that metabolites derived from cocoa, coffee, mushrooms, and red wine and the microbial metabolism of polyphenol-rich foods like apple, cocoa, green tea, blueberries, oranges, or pomegranates had protective effects against cognitive impairment in the elderly. Fascinating. Food really is medicine.

This is one of many examples about the effects of a plant-heavy diet, and the polyphenols it offers, on brain health and aging. 

So how can we put results like this into practice? It’s easier than you might think.

Get your greens in. Leafy greens are overflowing with nutrients, phytochemicals, and fiber to keep our cells and good bacteria functioning at their best. I read in the above study that found one to two servings of greens a day was associated with slower cognitive decline—equivalent to being eleven years younger! Swiss chard, dandelion greens, and watercress are some of my favorite leafy greens that are less common in most diets.  

 Black and blue brain boosters. Anthocyanins are a type of flavonoid with specific neuro-protective functions, like reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Blackberries, pomegranate, blueberries, eggplant (with the skin), and black rice are some of the nutrient-dense options to up your anthocyanin intake. 

 Don’t forget the fat. Eating loads of plants doesn’t mean we have to eat low-fat, and really we shouldn’t! Healthy fats are vital for optimal brain function, which makes sense when you consider that about 60% of our brain is made of fat. Olive oil has certain polyphenols that can counteract the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and walnuts are associated with improved memory and cognition.

I like to combine all three into my morning smoothie. I blend a cup of nut milk with a huge handful of greens, a handful of frozen blueberries, a 1/4 cup of walnuts, and any other veggies and spices I’m craving for a delicious brain-healthy breakfast. 

This is only a glimpse into the specific brain benefits we can get from real food. A general rule of thumb for optimal whole-body health is to eat a rainbow of colorful plant foods every day, and boost your nutrition to meet your bodily requirements of all vital macro an micro vitamins and mineral with dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Supplements, which is a surefire way to support robust brain function, too. 

How to Make Stress Your Friend

Can changing how you think about stress make you healthier? In this TED Talk, psychologist Kelly McGonigal shares how learning how to view our stress response as helpful actually changes our physical response to stress. Kelly explains how stress hormones work, how we can reframe the purpose of stress, and how connecting to other people and caring for others can help increase our stress resilience. 

Staying healthy is not all about eliminating stress, which is good news since that’s nearly impossible. It’s about getting better at it. Even though this TED talk is from 2013 it’s super relevant today. Watch it here.

Get back to being nourished

I want to let you know I now bake and deliver my ultra clean nourish bars. No sugar, nothing chemical or adulterated, no fats.


Three different Nourish bars to choose:

  • Banana, Avocado, Seeds Nourish Bar

  • Roast Pumpkin, Seeds Nourish Bar

  • Zucchini, Carrot, Seeds Nourish Bar

Order the day before - ready the next day. 

500,000vnd - 30cm (14 slices). It freezes really well too.

Nourish bars are loaded with nutritious clean ingredients: 

  • Stone ground Ha Giang buckwheat flour

  • Stone ground Brown Rice Flour

  • Almond flour

  • Flax seeds

  • Baking powder

  • Avocado

  • Organic pumpkin

  • Coconut sugar

  • Organic bananas

  • Egg (vegan available)

  • Vanilla, Lemon and cinnamon essential oils from dōTERRA

  • Activated almonds, walnuts

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Sunflower seeds

To order:

Facebook message, whats App, text, carrier pigeon 🕊


What’s on this week

Switching up your medicine cabinet for something natural 

This Thursday 10am on Clubhouse App

Join us on clubhouse app (audio only no video - YAY) to learn how to swap out some bathroom nasties forsomethingo more natural. 30 min Audi chat

Intro to natural wellness through the use of

natural products and essential oils.

Thursday 7:00pm (GMT+7)

Great for a refresher and to share with people  in your world who you know will benefit from the power of doTERRA's natural solutions.

In this class you will learn How simple changes to your wellness routine can radically transform your health.

Something to think about

What is something wonderful about your life that you rarely appreciate as much as you should?