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The importance of a solid morning routine

Has your morning routine seen better days? Have the bad news headlines replaced your meditation? Has homeschooling, eaten into your yoga time? We all have a lot on our plates currently right!!!

First of all, you’re not alone. Secondly, try to loosen your grip in all areas right now, it’s totally okay. Relax and breathe, give yourself space. But remember it’s super important to keep a healthy morning routine in place.

Revitalizing your morning routine will help you stay calm. The start and the end of our days may be the only part of our days we can control right now.

Here are some healthy morning routine ideas to help balance your day.

I swear by lemon water every morning. I start the day with a large glass (500ml with 2 drops of doTERRA lemon essential oil) This is a gentle detox on the body. Makes the body alkaline and gets the metabolism going.

Next, I move to the yoga mat, fire up Yoga with Adrienne or Yoga with Tim on Youtube (my favs) take 10 slow deep breaths in and out, followed by 30 minutes of breath-focused yoga.

Next, I take at least ten minutes for myself after Yoga to sit in quiet meditation, I focus on my breath, turn inward and play a morning affirmation. It’s powerful to start each day in gratitude. Practising gratitude has been proven to release dopamine. Incorporating some form of meditation in the morning will centre you and prepare you for anything coming at you today.

DRY BRUSHING Before getting into the shower dry brush, this not only exfoliates, it also increases circulation and stimulates our lymphatic system.

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth to remove bacteria and promote oral hygiene. Give it a try, start your day by taking one tablespoon of coconut oil and swishing it around for at least 10 minutes.

So let me ask, what’s in your morning practice to help keep you centred and grounded right now? Share in the comments below.

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