Metabolic Health

A Metabolic Health Awakening

Only 6.8% of American adults have optimal cardio-metabolic health!

A Metabolic Health Awakening

That means 13 of every 14 people can benefit from metabolic health support right now. And if you’re someone who is in the 6.8%, you may even be looking for superior ways to maintain your metabolic health!

How we move, what we eat, quality of relationships and rest, along with managing stress and choosing superior supplementation, all play a role in optimal metabolic health. And of course, genetics affects metabolic health too, but exercise, diet, rest, relationships—these are all lifestyle factors that you can influence for the better!

There are no quick-fixes to optimal metabolic function—you still have to make smart and healthy lifestyle decisions—but the MetaPWRTM system can maximize and optimize the effects of your wellness lifestyle choices.

Sometimes when you don’t see immediate results from your healthy lifestyle choices, or the results aren’t as pronounced as you hoped they’d be, it’s discouraging. The MetaPWRTM system can help your healthy choices count a little extra.

Healthspan, Biological Aging & Metabolic Health

Today is the best day to influence the rest of your life.

Getting older shouldn’t rob you of your quality of life—and it doesn’t have to. You deserve a life full of health and vitality at every age.

Metabolic health and biological age are inseparable. That means, the stronger and healthier your metabolic function, the better you’ll feel from the inside-out. While ‘lifespans’ might be increasing around the globe, how many of those extra years are spent truly feeling healthy and with fullest vitality and wellness? Or are we spending those extra years unable to do the things we love because of poor health?

There is a big difference between our ‘lifespan’ and our potential for ‘healthspan’. Unlike lifespan, which is strictly the years in your life, healthspan refers to how long your wellness and health last.

On average, the last 8 years of life are typically spent with inhibited ability to enjoy life fully due to health limitations. It’s time to CLOSE the gap between lifespan and healthspan. Put more life in your years.

What if we could look great and feel better from the inside out? dōTERRA MetaPWRTM Advantange contains our proprietary Healthspan Complex, formulated with 12 synergistic active ingredients that can slow biological aging and extend our healthspan.


Remember that aging happens from the inside, outward. It’s all rooted at the cellular level.

By middle age, NAD+ levels in the body are half what they are during our youth! NAD+ ensures proper cell function so we can age in a healthy way. NAD+ is a naturally produced molecule crucial for the function of all 37.2 trillion cells in your body. It gives power to cellular repair and helps generate the vast majority of your cellular energy.

Supplementing with natural, quality sources of NMN may increase NAD+ levels in the body according to preclinical studies. More confirming clinical research is needed.


Most of what you've been taught about collagen is wrong! Let's talk about why. Collagen is a protein found in bones, muscles, skin, and tendons that helps hold the body’s cells together. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. At a young age, the body is made up of 30% collagen, but this percentage declines with age.

There are 28 known types of collagen in the human body. Most collagen products on the market have 1 or 2 types of collagen at most. dōTERRA MetaPWRTM Advantage with marine collagen and NMN doesn’t have just one or two types of collagen. It includes nine unique collagen tripeptide types.

Supplementing with a wide range of diverse collagen types helps promote joint mobility, tissue strength, and skin elasticity. Which means you can recovery faster and move with more ease.

dōTERRA MetaPWRTM Advantage provides nine types of collagen tripeptides from sustainable marine sources, infused with dōTERRA® CPTG® essential oils. We are truly emphasizing the whole-body role of collagen.

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Blood Sugar Stability and Optimal Energy

Blood sugar levels are one of the most significant markers of health. These levels naturally fluctuate depending on eating and activity patterns. It’s important to note constant spikes and crashes in your blood sugar are hard on your body and contribute to poor functioning cells.

Like blood sugar levels, a rollercoaster ride once or twice a year probably wouldn't cause long-term issues. However, riding the rollercoaster multiple times a day, week after week might have some consequences. MetaPWRTM Metabolic Assist helps minimize the impact of this wear and tear on your body. Considering that less than 7% of the US adult population have optimal metabolic health, most of us can afford a little support. That’s what MetaPWRTM Assist is for.

Complex carbohydrates are aptly named as their sugar chains are longer and more complicated to digest, making them “slower” and less likely to spike your blood glucose. When taken before a large meal, MetaPWRTM Metabolic Assist includes natural ingredients that can help turn “fast carbs” into “slow carbs”. In basic terms, the mulberry leaf extract binds to carbohydrates, so the glucose doesn’t hit your blood stream as quickly.

MetaPWRTM System and Products

Meta – short for Metabolic Health meets PWR Personal. Wellness. Realized.

The dōTERRA MetaPWRTM system can help you optimize your metabolism, curb cravings, shed excess weight, and have more stamina throughout your day. It can also help to slow biological aging and extend your healthspan. dōTERRA MetaPWRTM is not a single product. It’s an entire SYSTEM designed to help you optimize your metabolic health. These products combined with healthy lifestyle choices, are a powerful key for unlocking your personal wellness.

Every product in this system features the new MetaPWRTM Metabolic Blend as a key ingredient – the power of our pure essential oils fueling every aspect of the system. MetaPWRTM Metabolic Blend combines powerful essential oils known to promote a healthy metabolism when ingested.*

When used internally, the flavorful blend of MetaPWRTM oils helps manage hunger throughout the day while supporting healthy metabolism. When taken internally plus healthy lifestyle choices, the MetaPWRTM Metabolic Blend can support you to reach your weight management goals.* For best results, combine with the MetaPWRTM metabolic system.

This synergistic blend has been scientifically optimized and tested for maximum metabolic impact.* If you got results using Slim & Sassy®, wait until you try this! If your blood sugar levels are already in a normal range, MetaPWRTM Metabolic Assist can smooth blood sugar spikes and dips to keep your blood glucose levels steadier and your energy levels more consistent.

MetaPWRTM Metabolic Assist features mulberry leaf extract which has been shown to reduce post-meal blood sugar spikes by 42% when taken with your meal.

When you take MetaPWRTM Metabolic Assist before a meal, the mulberry leaf extract helps your body to metabolize what you just ate more slowly.* Of course, MetaPWR Assist is designed to be paired with a healthy, whole-food approach to eating. MetaPWRTM Advantage with marine collagen and NMN is redefining how we slow biological aging to put more life into our years.

MetaPWRTM Advantage can help maintain healthy levels of NAD+ and collagen in your cells, supporting metabolic and cognitive function, lean muscle, connective tissue, and skin health.*

MetaPWRTM Advantage with marine collagen, NMN and 10 other active ingredients is the product that’s going to support natural production of NAD+ in your body while helping you to slow the signs of aging both inside and out.

The key ingredients in MetaPWRTM Advantage give your cells what they need to combat cellular deterioration. The result is slower biological aging; firmer, more elastic skin; improved cognitive function; more lean muscle and connective tissue.




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