Pete’s Favorite Foundational Wellness Tools. Yours Exclusively 25% OFF

Curious about a natural lifestyle with dōTERRA wellness tools? You’re in the right place!

If you’re ready to get started with dōTERRA at wholesale pricing, click below:

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With my code, you’ll get 25% off your purchase—whether you choose a single oil or a curated collection of oils and products at a bundled discount.

Plus, you’ll receive a free wholesale account, allowing you to shop dōTERRA at 25% off for a full year, no matter where you are in the world—
no monthly minimums required.

Foundational Wellness Bundle

Your body is designed to thrive—but only when it gets the right support. Even with a "healthy" diet, key nutrients are often missing due to modern farming practices that deplete essential vitamins and minerals from our food.

The Foundational Wellness Bundle is thoughtfully crafted to fill these gaps, providing your body with the nourishment it needs to function optimally. It’s not just about what you eat; it’s about what your body absorbs. Support your well-being every day with premium, science-backed nutrition that fuels vitality from the inside out.

Order the Foundational Wellness Bundle and take charge of your health today and reeceive 25% off

30-Day Cleanse Program

30-Day Cleanse Program

Support your body’s natural detoxification process and build long-term wellness with this 90-Day Cleanse Program. This structured approach focuses on cleansing, replenishing, and nourishing your body at a cellular level, helping you feel lighter, more energized, and more balanced.

Deep Detox, Gut Health & Digestion Support, Cellular & Organ Function Optimization, Increased Energy & Mental Clarity, Balanced Inflammation & Immune Support, Emotional & Hormonal Well-being

Order the Serenity Sleep System and take charge of your sleep today and reeceive 25% off

Foundational Wellness Bundle

Foundational Wellness Bundle

90-Day Cleanse Program

Reset & build lasting healthy habits,. Eliminate toxins, restore balance, support your body at a cellular level. More than just a cleanse, it’s a commitment to prioritizing your well-being.

Includes 3 personalized health check-ins with Pete to guide & support you throughout your journey.

Detoxification, Digestive Health, Cellular Support, Organ Function, Increased Energy & Vitality, Emotional Well-being

Ready to start fresh? Give your body the reset it deserves.

Order the 30-Day Cleanse Program and take charge of your health today and reeceive 25% off

Nourished by Pete