
You’re in great company

Share your dōTERRA & Nourished by Pete story

Zosha Piotrowski ~ Testimonial


It’s been such a gift to meet Pete and to be part of his nourishing community. Pete introduced me to dōTERRA Natural Products in 2018 at a time when I needed support for a few health issues my children were experiencing, mainly bacterial skin infections. Pete spent a lot of time teaching me the science of Essential Oils which inspired me to incorporate these natural products into my Integrative Health Coaching and Movement Therapy practice.

It’s been invaluable to have these amazing tools to help people out of pain and so many other ailments. It’s also been invaluable to have access to so much educational material through Pete’s community calls and online references.

So the learning continues and I am able to grow as a coach. Pete is always available to help out in so many ways and I am very blessed to have his business and personal support.

Pete’s incredible Philanthropy work in Vietnam through Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation also inspired me to create my own passion project through dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, the NGO arm of dōTERRA. With the combination of my community and Pete’s community, we were able to raise money to educate local nurses in new Eye Hospitals in The Congo/Africa. I was so grateful to Pete, for his time and encouragement through this project and for showing me what a positive mindset and intention can achieve.

Pete’s hardworking nature and kindness have helped so many. It’s rare to find such a special human who encourages you to walk alongside him as he follows his passion, making a difference in the world.

Bec Pascoe ~ Testimonial

It’s Bec here, dōTERRA oils and products have changed my life and health so much. So much more than Western medicine. I have managed to reduce the cocktail of prescriptions I used to be down to one now, which I use as little as possible.

I could babble on at length about each specific oil/supplement and how it has helped me heal. Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of the team! I was also going to say if you’d like me to speak about any of the individual products/oils I use and how I feel they have benefited me, I’d be more than happy to do so. As I say, I genuinely notice the difference.. and particularly in situations where I don’t have them with me for whatever reason (or can’t take all of them/run out.. ie travelling/hospital.. that’s when I find whether something is genuinely effective or not). So time after time I’ve come back to the oils, and whittled a lot of other crap/supplements etc out of my life. 

All around, I’m very happy! 

Big hugs and lots of love from me xxx

Valerie Engelson ~ Testimonial


During this thing called life, if we are fortunate enough to meet people who profoundly have an impact on our life, can meet us where we are at, and genuinely care about us, we are indeed blessed. This is Pete Wilkes.

Supportive, caring, and pushes me to do better, to be better. Working with Pete isn't work, it is fun, we laugh, we cry, and we help people in need. How great is that!

dōTERRA essential oils and personal care products have elevated my health. To have tools to support my health and the health of my family is invaluable. My toolbox can address most health issues that come our way. Nontoxic living is important to me and having personal care and household products that are safe and nontoxic is the key to overall health and longevity.

I can not imagine not having natural solutions in my life. There is an oil for just about every condition. And having the knowledge to use doTERRA products and oils for both my family and my clients is a gift I get to give every single day. So grateful.

Taahirah Chothia~ Testimonial


Having Pete as a nutrition coach was spectacular. He was so patient, kind and consistent. His coaching was super personalized and came with loads of learning about food and nutrition. It has changed my life for the better as it was something I didn’t realize I needed. I’d highly recommend his service to everyone.

Nourished by Pete