Making that shift from self to service ❤️
The key to realising a dream is to focus not on success but on service! Ask yourself what are your gifts and talents you can share to raise the collective consciousness of all that you encounter.
Making that shift from self to service will bring an immeasurable amount of pleasure to your work, your relationships, and the vision you have of your own life.
Fulfilling your life up to the top with meaning is what gives you that powerful spark of energy unique to only you.
The result is an electrifying current of clarity rising from the deepest part of yourself.
You have the power to make the choice to turn up the volume to your unique calling. In all truthfulness, it’s the best thing you can do to live healthier and happier.
Here's a throwback photo from 2005. Sapa Rooms boutique hotel holds a special place in my heart as it was my first property in Vietnam, and it forever transformed me. Over the years, countless guests stayed at my hotel, and each one left with a sense of change and transformation. Our guiding principle was encapsulated in our one phrase, "Travel with generosity."
It's a new chapter now in life, and as I circle the globe multiple times a year, educating people on the importance of; Nutrition, Movement, Sleep, lowering Toxins, and self-care, I still hear this phrase repeated in my head... How can I continue to serve and be kind?
I am sure you will all agree, the world desperately needs more kindness right now.❤️