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Eczema Answers

I’ve been sensitive my whole life. I have a sensitive belly and sensitive skin I’m just a sensitive kinda guy. I even cried in Finding Nemo. When I was little, I was plagued with mysterious red patchy skin that had no apparent cause. By the time I was sixteen, I moved to Tokyo for study and my Japanese sponsor family rotated picking me up from school and taking me to different doctors in Yokohama to try to figure out what was wrong. No one ever could, and my symptoms kept getting worse. 

When I was 22, I moved to a new apartment downtown in Tokyo, by that time I was getting hay-fever it seemed every-second-week and I was covered in itchy, rashy skin. As you can imagine, it was not ideal.

I was in my early twenties, living a fun student life in Tokyo, and I was dealing with a horrific trifecta: constant breakouts; itchy, dry scalp; and an undiagnosable body rash that wouldn't go away. I was already using two different heavy-duty medicated treatments for my breakouts and rash, and my Japanese dermatologist had just given me a new topical corticosteroid cream for my skin. But when I started to use it, I quickly and painfully realized that my new cream made my scalp freak out. Does this sound familiar?

This continued for most of my Adult life until I hit 40, I made a pact with myself that by 45 I would be a different person and by 50 I wanted a different life. I went back to school to study holistic health and nutrition. I had also been involved in fitness and health since back in the days living in Sydney, I had managed a boutique fitness center in the BoHo Kings Cross area. So by the time I hit 45 I had learnt enough about different nutritional theories that I was able to calm my allergies and eczematous skin by making tweaks to my diet, resetting my gut health (a lot more on that later) and ditched the toxic products in my home and switched them for cleaner ones.

It felt really empowering to be able to fix myself when doctors had only been scratching their heads and prescribing me lotions and steroids for the longest time.

Helping people take better care of themselves and teaching them how to be healthy all on their own-without having to pay expensive "experts" became a passion of mine.

I have studied holistic health and nutrition for years and have learnt so much about my internal health, I understand the importance of treating the gut to heal the skin. I’ve finally gotten healthy enough through my diet tweaks and gut reset to need a doctor only very rarely now. As I said before, I was on actual prescription medications for my skin problems. In my early 40’s I was flying from Hanoi, where I’ve lived since 2005, to Bangkok for skin treatment, every 3 months for 4 years. I was given powerful steroid treatment which made me feel like I was an addict, but instead of being hooked on pills, I was hooked on creams. Owning an organic cafe in Hanoi only increased this guilt.

Those miserable, painful, years getting on the plane in Hanoi to Bangkok, inflamed and itchy, were my rock bottom. I just felt so ugly, itchy and frustrated, and I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't keep keep getting steroid injections and using all the prescribed eczema  products that were meant to help but were turning my life into a nightmare.

So I quit…

I stopped using every single skin-care product and medication. Over night I made the decision. I thought to myself, I own an organic cafe in Hanoi why can’t I heal my skin using natural products without all the synthetic, engineered lotions and medications. It was my last, desperate attempt at finding some relief. I had been researching about pure essential oils, I started using pure Frankincense oil, a quality probiotic, whole-food digestive enzymes and nutritional supplements to feed my blood and cells better health. I thought I feed my customers the best quality produce from my farm, why can’t I do the same with my body to heal my skin. To that point I’d had no luck impacting my skin from the outside, so I decided to go from the inside. 

And, shockingly, relief did come fast. It was pretty much instantaneous. That whole first month of using no chemical products or corticosteroid creams whatsoever, all of my symptoms improved. And the next month, I felt even better. Every month, I waited for proof that this was too good to be true and my old eczema triggers would return. They never did.

I have my certification in holistic health and nutrition from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and I know that 80% of our skin’s issues are manifested from our gut health. Picture an iceberg. The 20% of the iceberg above the water is your skin, the 80% of the iceberg you can’t see symbolisers your gut. I started to see amazing things happening to my skin just by concentrating on my gut health. I was eating good, clean food and whole-food enzymes to feed my body. I watched as my eczema improved month on month, I was getting no triggers and I had removed what was causing the sensitivities. I removed all commercial household cleaning products, I changed my laundry and kitchen detergents and looked for where all the chemical toxins were lurking in my home. This is super important and we will go into a great amount of detail here.

These days

I work with clients to teach them how to eat healthy and move their bodies to feel better. They already know how to think of good food and fitness as medicine. Yet somehow the idea to remove toxic cleaning agents from their homes had not crossed over into conversations about being their eczema trigger.

Ingredients like preservatives and synthetic chemicals that have become hugely infamous in food do not have the same reputations when they are in our household products. And most simply and importantly, no one really talks about how bioavailable supplements that increase our macro and micro nutrients and provide our bodies with healthy fats are the same exact product that can reduce eczema triggers and flareups. 

So, I found my mission

To tell you and every human suffering with eczema through this course, that healthy skin must be nourished in the exactly the same way as a healthy body—from the inside. I launched my holistic health coaching company NourishedbyPete in 2018 dedicated to this idea and nowadays teach workshops about my personal skin healing journey and the expereince I’ve learnt. I give weekly classes every Thursday night on Zoom about the magical, skin-calming powers of plant medicine. Over the years I’ve turned these classes into a community. I still can't get over the fact that NourishedbyPete is now in 26 countries and growing. People are finding natural solutions to heal their pain.

To this day, my favorite thing to do is work one-on-one with clients and talk to people about the changes I made to my nutrition that gave me back my health. Through my monthly Cleanse Camp program, thousands of people have started ditching their junky skin-care and household products and cleaning up their lifestyles.

My ultimate goal is to get everyone to think of mainstream household and skin-care products like they think of packaged food: full of preservatives, unnecessary ingredients, and nasty chemicals. I want to ditch the average number of chemical laden products you use on your skin each day and switch these for completely pure, natural ones. I want to push my health coaching clients to get rid of the hormone disruptive chemical products in their homes that have been linked to eczema, reproductive disorders, asthma, and severe allergies. To help you understand that most of what you have been told and sold is not true, and the ability to have healthy, happy skin is totally and completely in your hands. 

How to begin

For you… lets take this new journey in baby steps, though. I don't want you to feel you have to stop doing anything you like, but I want to help you not need any of the chemicals which are causing your eczema. I want you to feel like an expert by the end of this course, to understand what your next step is, to take the knowledge from this course and dive deeper, to implement the knowledge into your life through the practical day to day tips in the Cleanse Camp program. 

Cleanse Camp will show you how to be an expert on you, your body, and your skin. To feel like you're the boss and in control and, best of all, like you can stop stressing over how to have good healthy skin once and for all. How awesome would that be?

The best part is that it's not even going to be that hard.

This entire course is about things that you intuitively know. You're going to read through everything and think, Ohhhhh, of course. I'm a testament to the fact that you can discover what's best for your skin with some supportive guidance from this course, just as thousands of others I've worked with, and all of the people I've never met who have figured out that going back to the basics, removing toxin triggers from their life, is the best thing you can live healthier and happier.

So, here's how it's gonna go.

In this course we're going to discuss what is eczema, what is causing your skin triggers, before we move into some natural solutions and practical protocols. Your skin is a truly incredible and efficient organ, and this course is going to show you how to respect and care for it. Next, as we move into the Cleanse Camp program, I'm going to teach you how to put your skin's health and overall well-being into context so you can get a big-picture holistic view on your lifestyle.

We are going to talk a lot about food in this course, because a clean diet is the number one way to have a lifetime of great skin health. We're also going to talk about your household products and unveil the dirty chemicals that disrupt your health. After that, I'm going to offer you a little challenge to join Cleanse Camp to get your holistic health back on track.

Sound good?

Great! This course is the program I offer to clients who work with me because they're frustrated and fed up with their eczema and want answers. I hope you find all of your answers in here, too!

reach out and send me a message - I would love to hear from.