The 10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Well-Being

The 10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Well-Being

You are a reflection of your lifestyle. True health and well-being often elude many people due to these main reasons:

1️⃣ Unmet Core Needs: Despite maintaining good health habits, many still experience unwanted symptoms. This often results from gaps in their approach, where the core or root needs of their body remain unmet.

2️⃣ Symptom-Driven Approach: Health is often approached like a dartboard, targeting symptoms rather than addressing the foundational causes. This method leads to an endless cycle of chasing symptoms while ignoring the underlying issues.

3️⃣ The Importance of Addressing Root Causes: Symptoms are indicators of unmet core needs. Focusing solely on symptoms is ineffective. By addressing the root causes, you can build a strong well-being foundation, leading to fewer symptoms and more energy to live well.

4️⃣ Priority Principle: The body prioritizes essential functions, often leaving less critical issues unresolved due to limited resources. The Prepare Phase aims to reduce this competition by enhancing cellular and organ performance in Month 1, ensuring your body has the capacity to tackle broader well-being goals.

5️⃣ Understanding Symptoms: Symptoms are the signs of the body’s efforts to correct. Instead of viewing symptoms like a runny nose or coughing as invasions, recognize them as your body’s way of healing.

6️⃣ Two Main Problems: There are only two things that ever go wrong in your body: too much of the wrong things or not enough of the right things. Often, it’s both – toxicity and deficiency go hand-in-hand.

7️⃣ Too Much of the Wrong Things: This includes excessive exposure to toxins, environmental pollutants, and harmful substances.

8️⃣ Too Little of the Right Things: An over-processed diet, inadequate levels of nutrition, insufficient sleep, dehydration, and lack of exercise contribute to this issue. We need more of the right stuff and less of the wrong stuff.

9️⃣ Chasing Symptoms is Not the Solution: Focusing only on symptoms shuts down the body's corrective processes. Nurturing the real needs of your body, the root needs, is key to eliminating the root causes responsible for generating symptoms.

🔟 Caring for Your Terrain: When you care for your terrain – the overall health and environment of your body – the need for corrective processes decreases. You take care of your business, and your body thrives.


🌱 The ReNew You 90-Day Reset Program: Designed to first energize your organs and cells before any further steps, the ReNew You program offers a comprehensive approach to well-being.

Month One: The Prepare Phase focuses on energizing organ performance and function. Its sole purpose for 30 days is to optimize cellular vitality. Prepare your organs, and ensure they function properly. Because in month two, it’s a full 30-day cleanse.

Month Two: The Cleanse Phase focuses on reducing the body’s toxic load, and setting up healthy habits critical for lasting health. Just as a house needs keeping and a car tier changes, our body also needs routine cleansing. Month two is was specifically created for this very process!

Month Three: This third phase is all about: replenish, restore, rebuild and where renewal is the focus to set vour body up for long-term optimal performance and sustainable wellness. True wellness is achieved by meeting the root needs of the body. and here you are in the perfect position to do exactly that!

Do you know how rough cleansing can be for people who aren’t ready? It’s really unkind to put somebody on a detox program who’s not prepared. Over 90% of the population isn't ready for a detox because they've never been properly taught how to care for their bio-terrain. Until now!

Rarely is there a place where you can get the big picture and be led through a process that sets your body up for success, and this is what the ReNew You 90-day Reset offers.

✨ Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your wellness! Join me and start your journey to optimal wellness.🌟

💬 **RENEW** in the comments or send me a direct message and I will send you more information on the program.

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My signature reset program


Beat the Heat