Recharge your health

It's easy to build healthy habits that stick with these solutions

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How It Works

Build Nutrition Solution

Full Body Cleanse Solution

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Sleep Solution

Do you need safe, effective, and affordable health solutions?

1. What are essential oils?
2. How do you use essential oils?
3. How can you get them into your home?

You Have Choices.

Are you ready to take control of your health and well-being? Do you want to embrace a life full of vitality, energy, and balance? Welcome to the ReNew You 90 Days Program – your comprehensive guide to holistic health transformation.

ReNew You…

Wanting to change the number on the scale is a great goal, but often life gets in the way and come February, we’re back to eating whatever we can find, and the only exercise we get is running a full and busy household (which, honestly, is still exercise!)

But good health is more than just about losing weight—it’s about establishing healthy habits that make us feel good.

So, rather than tell yourself you want to lose 10 Kgs in 2024, choose one or two healthy habits, such as staying hydrated, eating more whole foods, or getting better quality sleep and really focus on those.

Then, when you pair these habits with smart supplementation, you’ll really start to feel the results!

So, are you ready to recharge your health with natural solutions?

Buil Nutrition Solution

dōTERRA Healthy Habits Kit

If you want to be the healthiest version of yourself, the best way to take charge of your wellness is by building habits. Every day, we make choices that either contribute to or take away from overall health.

Making healthy choices is much easier when you have a routine. The products in the Healthy Habits Kit are the tools you need to make healthy choices every single day and establish a routine that lends itself to the healthy lifestyle you’re striving for.

With bestselling doTERRA essential oils, blends, and supplements, the Healthy Habits Kit gives you support as you walk the path toward a happier, healthier you.

Order the Daily Habits Kit and take charge of your health today and receive 25% off!

Better your bedtime routine with the doTERRA Serenity Sleep System. First, inhale the sweet aromatic aroma of doTERRA Serenity eessntial oil blend as you prepare for bed.

Then take a doTERRA Serenity Softgel, the L-Theanine encourages relaxation and tart cherry supports your body’s melatonin production.

Finally, just before you snuggle under the covers, rub the doTERRA Serenity Stick + Valerian onto your feet and pulse points and enjoy its calming aroma as you close your eyes and drift into a deep sleep.

Combine this three-step system with good sleep habits to get the rest you deserve.

Order the Serenity Sleep System and take charge of your sleep today and reeceive 25% off

Sleep Solution

dōTERRA Serenity Sleep System

Full Body Cleanse Solution

ReNew You 90-days Transformation

In today's world, true health and wellness eludes the majority of the population for two reasons:

First, although many are dedicated to respectable health habits, frustration abounds as they find themselves suffering from unwanted symptoms despite good efforts. Why? They erroneously assume they are making the necessary deposits into their "health account." But there are gaps in the approach. Core or root needs are innocently and ignorantly unmet. And sadly. that can render other dedicated efforts less or even ineffective.

Secondly, and perhaps far more commonly, health is approached like a dart board, aiming at symptoms that grab one's attention. And despite well-meaning recommendations by medical professionals health and wellness experts or even loved ones, advice abounds encouraging one to target what ails them The result? Again, foundational wellness needs go unidentified and unmet.

Symptoms are evidence of core or root needs going unmet. They are secondary, not primary, needs. Meeting them alone is an erroneous approach. And by doing so, ironically, more and more rear their ugly head.

By contrast, when primary and proper focus is placed on meeting root needs which also means resolving root causes, the demands of foundational wellness are addressed and satisfied, there are then considerably fewer symptoms to chase, and the natural outcome is a far greater and more consistent sense of well-being.

Bottomline: A strong wellness foundation means fewer symptoms begging for attention and far more energy is available to live well.

Contact Pete to join the ReNew You 90-days Transformation Program and take charge of your health today and receive 25% off the entire program cost.

Nourished by Pete