Wouldn’t it be awesome if…

Wouldn’t it be awesome if your brain had a default that ONLY allowed you to think good things about yourself and others?

If only, right?😁

We don’t do that because our brains are actually hard-wired to pick up on all the negative stuff.

Negative self-talk and limiting beliefs are baggage we carry around, but it’s how much trust you put into that baggage that really matters.

Would your best friend be your best friend if she repeatedly told you that you suck?
I wouldn’t think so! 👎🏼

However, you give yourself permission every day to say this to… yourself!

What’s more, you believe what you tell yourself. And the more negative the belief you have about yourself, the more you believe it.

You repeat it, like an email auto-responder, anytime something goes wrong or before you’re about to take on something meaningful.

Message in - 'Uh oh. That wasn’t supposed to happen that way.'
Auto-response - 'Of course it was going to fail. You always fail. You don’t know what you’re doing.'

And what about this one, sound familiar?

Message in - 'I am so ready to try this!'
Auto-response - 'No. No, you’re not. You do not try new things because you will hate them and then everyone will think of you as a failure.'

It’s time to rewrite those auto-responses and for one reason only... YOU are worth it.

Think THIS
Not That

Anchor thoughts replace the negative ones you’ve wired into your brain over time. Anchor thoughts are a powerful tool that helps prevent your limiting beliefs from growing into worry or anxiety. They do that by keeping you anchored to the present moment.

Repeating anchor thoughts is how you become a more deliberate thinker. It takes repetition to rewire the brain... stick with it, and the results will blow you away.

#negativethoughts #rewire #mindset #failure #success#takecontrol #baggage #mrnourish #oils #blends #wellness#health #healthylifestyle #selfcare #healing #mindfulness#selflove #nutrition #nourishedbypete


Believe in heart


I’m often asked what's my daily supplementation routine.