Life Long Vitality Overview 2019

No matter how well we eat, we all find ourselves with nutritional gaps. It's actually impossible to get all the nutrients we require from our food alone.

When it comes to supplementation, one of the biggest concerns is bioavailability.

Are the supplements that we're taking actually absorbing into our bodies and reaching the right areas, or are they like 85% on the market, made of rock minerals that run right through us, or worse, get stuck somewhere within our intestinal tracts?

Another product that I quickly fell in love with was the Lifelong Vitality Pack...which is dōTERRA's #1 selling product. Now...I had taken multi-vitamins before but it was mostly just to check off a box on my "how to be healthy" mental checklist. It wasn't until I tried these that I saw a huge difference in my overall emotional stability, the depth of my sleep, and my energy levels throughout the day. I also noticed that small aches and pains that had occasionally popped up had disappeared as well!

My partner Nam noticed these things in me...and said "Hey! Maybe I should take them too!". The first thing noticed was a general "evenness" in temper and emotions. The dogs can be crazy and loud and rambunctious and it doesn't even phase us. Things that used to get us upset...just don't any more.


If you are a dedicated label reader like me and want to know the specific details about each of these ya go: Take a quick look through these product descriptions and you'll get an idea why they are so great.

If you want to know more connect with me at:


FB: @nourishedbypetelifestyle



Natural Wellness Lifestyle Class 17 Jan 2023


Introduction to Essentil Oils